Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Acrostic 2 v.1

Okay, finally I got the first one finished.

This is the actual first one that I first composed in my head, and as I was in the shower yesterday :p

I sometimes wonder how you could
love the person that I am when
the voices in my head make me
feel like nothing, like the sands
of time that seep through forgotten. And yet,
your love feels like the second
skin that covers my insides, transparent
on the surface. You let yourself be
mine to wrap around myself.

(c) Hazlin Aminudin, 2009


Acrostic 2 v.2

Yes, this is version 2. I was in the middle of version one when I got the inspiration for version 2, and decided to write it before I lose my train of thoughts. I ended up finishing the second one first.

A piece that I just decided to write one night as I was about to fall asleep.

I enjoy the blatant indiscretion, this impudent flaunting,
love the elaborate attempt to hide in the open
the secrets we both keep to ourselves to
feel as though we are in a secret world
of our own in which we consist of only
your own self and my own self, comfortable in our own
skin, in our ownselves without having to paint
on these masks of indifference. You can just be
mine, and I'll just be yours. And that is all there is.

(c) Hazlin Aminudin, 2009


P/s: Sayang, thank you for teaching me acrostic poetry :)